We are light

VOLTAPLANT is a University of Pavia spin-off

We are light

VOLTAPLANT is a University of Pavia spin-off

We are a team of professors and researchers helped by a specialized management

Our resources came from:

  • Earth and environmental science department

  • Industrial and information engineering department

  • Experts in tax & accounting, Finance and communication & marketing

Our know-how:

Book chapters
Congress contributions
Thesis projects
Registered patents

The Team

Silvia Paola Assini

Associate Professor in environmental and applied botanic at the earth and environmental science department, University of Pavia

  • Responsible of the laboratory of flora, vegetation and ecosystem services;
  • Coordinator and scientific responsible of the project LIFE18 NAT/IT/000803 Drylands (lifedrylands.eu);
  • Author of more than 80 scientific papers on national and international journals;
  • In VoltaPlant she is the coordinator of the botanic area.

Piero Malcovati

Full professor of electric and electronic measurements at the Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering Department, University of Pavia

  • Researcher in the field of integrated microsystems;
  • Author of more than 400 publications;
  • He has participated to a variety of national and international research projects such as many European projects, also PRIN and FIRB;
  • He is part of the scientific committee of many international conferences and IEEE Senior Member

Giuseppe Consoli

Certified accountant, CEO & CFO

  • Certified accountant;
  • Financial consultant;
  • Strategic Advisor;
  • Owner of a professional firm;
  • Innovation Manager ex MISE;
  • Expert in corporate and tax law – also for CCIAA of Milano, Monza, Brianza and Lodi in R&D, Business networks, innovative Start-up and SMEs and in business planning and development;
  • Expert in Foreign Trade

Marco Grassi

Researcher at the Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering Department, University of Pavia

  • Expert in design and characterization of integrated circuits for sensors with a focus on space applications;
  • Author of more than 100 international scientific publications and several valid patents also through national and international collaborations;
  • He is part of the technique committee of international conferences and a member of IEEE and Audio Engineering Society

R&D Collaborators

Giulia Folini

R&D Biological Area

  • Graduated in Advanced Biotechnology with a thesis in microbiology but with a passion for plants.
  • Fonds of every aspect of science and really interested in climate change and sustainability

Federico Nicola Corea

R&D Electrical Area

  • Industrial Engineer pursuing Master Degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of Pavia.
  • Passionate about electrical world with particular focus on high efficiency energy conversion

Mary Torto

R&D Biological Area

  • Biotechnologist and graduating in Advanced Biotechnology at the University of Pavia.
  • Thesis regarding creation and tests of Microbial Fuel Cells.
  • With a strong interest in biological research with applications in industrial field.

Nicolò Tiepolo

R&D Design Area

  • Graduating in Industrial Product Design and Multimedia at the Iuav University of Venice.
  • Passionate about the world of design, I design products to facilitate the ecological transaction and improve people’s lives.

Collaborations and more

We are always looking for new people to collaborate with, create something special, carry out internships or thesis

Send us your application or your collaboration proposal, we are always open to new ideas

